I haven’t seen one of these in a few days, so I thought I’d toss in one of my own.
It’s meant for via ferrata to reduce the impact of falling on static gear. You loop a short rope through the holes and it absorbs the forces of the fall by friction of the rope slipping through. This is the Kong Kisa.
It’s an energy/impact/shock absorber used when climbing with ropes.
A Kong Kisa?
This is the one. It’s meant for via ferrata to reduce the impact of falling on static gear. You loop a short rope through the holes and it absorbs the forces of the fall by friction of the rope slipping through.
Definitely ambidextrous brass knuckles for characters from The Simpsons.
When you have 6 dogs and they all need a walk
Probably could be used that way, but not its designed purpose.
I just read the dog walking theory on the internet, so it’s true.
Me too! Right here
Haven’t seen one exactly like this, but looks like a lock out tag out deal.
Is it for abseiling, you feed the rope through the small holes down on one side and then through the big role at the bottom, around the outside back through the big hole then up through the small holes on the other side. The added friction of using this over a “figure 8” would allow you to descend slower.
Possibly used in caving.Very close, it’s a shock absorber for via ferrata.
Ooh, so close.
Some sort of pool cue stand?
Like a cue bridge? Nope