Let’s be honest, what these apps are going to do is boost user engagement (read: waste your fucking time) by pulling you into conversations with AI chatbots. The longer you’re there, the more advertisements they can feed you. It’s going to be harder and harder to find a real person, because investors don’t benefit from that.
They didn’t used to, at least many didn’t, before Match Group bought them all. Many, such as OkCupid, used to be quite good.
Were they ever good tho?
I met my fiancée on a dating app circa 2014
And how much do you use dating apps now?
Considering I have a fiancée, never.
Yeah the OG OKCupid was incredible. Then it was bought out and became another swiping app.
Oh was OKCupid a non Tinder like app back then? Good to know
Yes, they had a system where you answered questions about a wide range of topics, and answered what the ideal mate should say, then give a weight to how important that is for you. For example, you prefer chocolate over vanilla, and you want your mate to be the same, but it’s not an important factor. On the other hand, you prefer not to be a nazi, and it’s super important your mate isn’t one either. Also, there were IQ questions which allowed filtering out the stupid ones (like is the sun or the earth larger). Then the system would recommend profiles based on a match score computed from your answers. Really great. Got two relationships out of it, one is going 10 years today.
Adding onto this, it was totally free and you could just endlessly scroll through profiles, read them, look at their answers to questions, etc. No need to say “yes” or “no” to each profile judt to see the next one. And if you answered all of the personality questions (there were hundreds if not thousands) you were invited to become a site mod, which I did.