Who sells eggs in 10s?
Metric system - makes sense to me.
Metric country here, they’re most often sold as half a dozen, often as a dozen, at the supermarket you can also find 2 or 4-egg packages
Yeah pretty common for a large box here. Wait till you hear about the tray of eggs!
Or stacked trays of eggs 🤣
France : you get em in 6, 10 & 12
Most of europe I believe. We got 6, 10, 12 and some larger ones but most common is 10
We got singles, six and ten packs usually.
Huh, never saw single egg being sold.
I saw that some bodegas in NYC are selling egg loosies. They referred to them as loosies but they were 3 eggs in a plastic bag.
Chicken’s dozen
Bro, at this point, having a good Egg Dealer is a must in the USA.
And Canadians
I feel like I never see eggs in anything other than 12 over here in Alberta, but I don’t eat a ton of eggs.
We’re European lite.
Eggcelent meme.
Went to my local shop today and eggs were 17 eurocents a piece for medium size egg in a pack of 30 or 19c for 10 pack
Farm right outside of my town sells 48 packs for 3.12eur atm. (36 Norwegian krone)
Americans seething.
Farm just down the road sells dozens for a dollar.
But I don’t really care for eggs, so I’m not seething so much as chuckling at the egg prices in the store.
This morning I passed a dozen for $6.
A farm just outside of my US town was selling eggs $5 for a dozen
Dozen is 12 ? Im not used to imperial units od measurements
I get the idea of wanting to stick it to the US, but it’s maybe not the largest source of pride when you consider what the industry looks like. Being slightly less bad than the US is not a high bar. It’s still quite horrifying
Intensive farming is the predominant method of producing meat, dairy products and eggs in Europe and elsewhere in the world
In the EU, over 300 million animals spend all, or a significant part, of their lives imprisoned in cages – from sows in farrowing crates to egg-laying hens in so-called ‘enriched’ cages.
While the EU ban on the use of barren battery cages came into force in 2012, nearly half of commercial egg-laying hens are still kept in so-called ‘enriched’ cages. Additionally breeding flocks and chicks are also caged, often in barren cages.
https://www.europarl.europa.eu/cmsdata/231961/‘End the Cage Age’ report, October 2020.pdf
Couple weeks ago I really needed eggs and the only ones left were the premium ones. Came out to almost $1/egg.
Lol, guys you know America has eggs, right?
I paid $8 for a dozen the other day. That sucks, but it’s not like that’s prohibitively expensive for most people. I imagine many are avoiding them, though, considering wages are so bad right now.
We’re just better at abusing chickens and sell their periods cheaper. Deal with it.
I’m so worried about eggs man. That’s my breakfast item! I need it!!
you’re proud that innocent americans are suffering? what a hateful, divisive attitude to share. banned from my instance.
Whoops, I guess we have to walk on eggshells around you.
You can’t. Remember no eggs.
I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not.
I’m pretty sure it is. That’s my gut. I really fucking hope I’m right.
I’m still going to pretend it is.
Ooof :(
Oh no! Whatever shall they do?
How dare you mock us Americans for our intense suffering. This atrocity we’re forced to endure. This immense heartache of paying $2 more per week for eggs. This is literally the same as cheering on Sept 11. Have you no decency?
Maybe they wouldn’t be suffering if they didn’t elect a clown show. Don’t elect the clowns if you don’t want a circus.
How very sad for us Americans, when there are a number of civil wars going on around the world, genocides such as in Gaza, and extremely oppressive regimes that kill anyone who speaks out. But yeah, the price of eggs going up is where we draw the line in the U.S.
Would you also like to complain about your freedom to not mask to prevent the spread of extremely communicable diseases?
Why do the French only eat one egg for breakfast?
Because one egg is un œuf
- this joke courtesy of my college French teacher.
Americans just can’t get un œuf.
A ten pack?
Not really, I buy a 18 pack and keep eyeing up the 30 pack.
2-3 € for eggs is still quite expensive though
I remember when they were 1€ the pack… I would be fine with the price if the loval farmers were to get the big earn share and the animals would be held in good conditions, but that isnt the case…