JD Vance claimed pro-Ukraine protesters harassed him and his daughter in Cincinnati, but demonstrators say they merely passed him en route to a protest.
Video shows a civil exchange where Vance defended U.S. withdrawal from Ukraine aid, contradicting Trump’s stance on Russia’s invasion.
Critics accused Vance of using his child to deflect backlash over his role in a heated Oval Office meeting with Zelensky.
Protests against his Ukraine policy continue as Russia escalates attacks, with demonstrations held in Washington, D.C., and Europe.
Using your child as a shield for bad policy decisions? That’s a new low, JD.
But not using them as a literal shield yet, so he needs to work harder.
He still doesn’t want to stoop to musk’s level there
Much better than families and their toddlers being faced with pro Russian missiles.
Cry me a river you petulant fuck.
I’d prefer his version of events, honestly. Why do these fuckers ever get a moment of peace? Life should be made as difficult as possible for them, for every facet that we still have control over.
I’m confronted by this fucker’s stupid fucking face every goddamn day
Deal with it you fucking child
So Vance just so happened to be “walking his daughter” near a group of Ukrainian protestors? The secret service didn’t have the capability to look down the street he wanted to walk down and say “maybe we should take another route”?
Or did he purposely take his young daughter near a polite-looking group of protestors just so he could have a low-risk confrontation as fuel to demonize his detractors online?
I hope to God she was wearing a leash for everyone’s safety.
Aw poor baby. You cannot convince me that this chubby man child doesn’t wear eyeliner
JD joins the Elon club of using his children as human shields.
The kid should know that daddy is making other little boys and girls die because he can’t steal from their country.
As a parent this really hits home. I can remember vividly the time I was harassed, 6-month-old in my arms, when I cut off desperately needed funding. I was literally causing death and misery, all because I thought a ruthless foreign dictator was kind of a cool dude. If we were both threatened and harassed for being massive turd nuggets, where does it end? /s
It’s like you can’t betray your allies and turn your country into a fascist shithole anymore. Well you can, but then some woke mob will calmly tell you that what you’re doing is bad and I don’t want my children being around that negativity!
not a good enough protest if he can talk about it
Confronted. lol. He needs to actually be confronted, in a deposition.
Not the ideal version of “depose” but okay
Oh, it is…
“Don’t hit him he got kids with him my apologies”
LOL, “confronted”.
What fucking snowflakes these assholes are. I’ve seen the video. More like “asked pointed questions and I am too much of a gigantic man-baby to deal with consequences like that”.
FUCK YOU and every single asshole that voted for you.
Republicans didn’t seem too concerned when a Democrat was confronted by a guy with a hammer who attempted to kill him, in fact it was a big joke with them.
Yeah, they proceeded to make it out like it was some gay affair, too, thinking that was really hilarious.
They don’t give a fuck about decorum and civility and all that. They just take umbrage with their people even being questioned at all. They think the right thing to do is everyone just rolls over because they won in the slimmest of majorities and that this gives them a “mandate” to do whatever wild shit they want. And everyone else should just shut up and make themselves invisible. Fuck that noise.
They always need to be the victim in every interaction even if they weren’t.
This is the price of being a politician and being a complete P.O.S. one at that.