For anyone unfamiliar with DeckFilter, it’s an android/iphone app that lets you view info on games from your library and wishlist.
For games it will show you:
- Deck verification status
- ProtonDB rating
- Steam user rating
- HowLongToBeat times
- Steam tags
- IsThereAnyDeal prices (wishlist games only)
- Game settings from ShareDeck
- Links to game’s Steam page, PCGamingWiki, SteamDB, SteamBase, and SteamCharts.
The app also lets you filter your library/wishlist by things like compatibility, tags, ratings, how long to beat, and more. It’s a really good way to pick out games to play.
The app just got updated with much faster sync (up to 10x faster), fixed wishlist sync, IsThereAnyDeal integration, steam API support (no longer requires your steam library to be public), sort library by last played, and more. See here for full changelog.
Even with a small library of 100 games I wouldn’t want to handle data on a phone. Games have so many different attributes tied to them that even thinking about going through them on a tiny phone screen feels like a type of hell described in Dante’s unreleased poems.
for something two free browser extension achieve pretty much the same? Lolnope
I don’t really mind spending a few bucks for a one time purchase on something I’ll use. The dev has clearly put in a lot of time to try to make this a really convient place to reference a lot of sources, and I’m fine with them charging a one time fee for it.
Personally, I always find it weird when a developer relies on free data and then asks for money for a frontend that’s relatively simple by comparison.
The FAQ says nothing regarding splitting the proceeds with ProtonDB for example, yet the app generates traffic on the ProtonDB server.
That’s fine except the fee is not payable without a Google account. And I deleted mine years ago.
You must be used to this by now.
What’s your point?
What are they? Is there any deal and ???
Not the person you asked, but maybe they also mean the SteamDB extension?
Cheers, I will have a look
I have a feeling they’re referring to SteamDB plus Augmented Steam.